Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weightier Matters

I don't usually post my weight on my blogs, but it is time to come to terms with it. Also, no one reads this. :-) I want to have proof of my progress.

Here is my history with weight:

High School- Not overweight but "bigger" compared to 90 lb teenagers. I probably weighed 115-120.
College- Discovered dorm food and no portion control, slowly gained weight to between 140-150- yuck!
Summer after Freshman year- moved into the apartments, refused to pay money for food that would make me big, so I lost most of that weight and shocked all my dorm room buddies. Probably settled in between 125-130. A good weight for me! Met Jeff, was married at 128.
Marriage years- My last year of school I slowly gained weight and was 148 by the time we moved to Portland.
A year after we were married at a dance. Probably 135.
College break after married- 130ish
 In Austin, a year after we were married- probably 130's

 When we moved to Oregon- 2001, 148ish

 After having Dallin, was down to about 135-140 by summer
 December 2003- I probably weighed 155
 Barely pregnant with Emily- my heaviest pregancy- started at 160. April 2004
 2005. Hood to Coast. 
 2005/2006 I can tell in my face that I am thinner!
 Emily turns 1- pretty good weight for me
 2005- after having Emily, and training for a marathon!
 2006- My favorite! 130ish
2008- around 135 
 In 2010, when I got back down to 130-135
 Low 140's for our New York trip. I wanted to look better. Oh well. Attempting to make babies and my weight do not go well together!
December 2011- I think this shows an accurate picture of me. Here is my weight today:

152.8. Yuck. But there it is. I hope to eat healthy and be motivated. I know how to do it. I just gotta do it. :-)

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