Monday, April 20, 2015

2015 Boston Marathon

Today was the 2015 Boston Marathon and it was awesome! So inspiring to see all those people lined up to run. The Women's Finish was so close at the end and it was so fun to watch an American Female and Male make a run at their races! It made me want to be there!! I was going to say next year but I am really hoping to not put a deadline on it. I am giving it all I have in 12 days, but I may still have more to learn. This has been a self-taught process and I have loved it!! I have had a lot of heartbreak over the marathon, but the process has been amazing.

Just as an update, I have been dealing with nagging pain pretty much since my last post. I was not able to run my last 20 miler and have just been trying to ice, medicate, rest and listen to my body! I have had some great runs and I am confident that I can still have a great race.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

One Month from today!

I am feeling a bit anxious, so I thought it might be good to review how my training is going. The marathon is exactly one month from today. That is good and bad. :-) I am realizing how important these couple of weeks are. Adaptations seem to take a little while so the last 2 weeks are less about making gains and more about resting up for the race. That makes these 2 1/2 weeks especially important. Here is what has been happening!

March 7th was Champoeg. This race gives me the confidence I need to know that I can run a 3:40 marathon if I keep training hard.  When I put my race times in a predictor for the marathon, they usually come close to a 3:40, but this race is the first time it has put me at a faster marathon. 3:36:16. Woo hoo!!! I know I have it in me. I just have to race smart and stay injury free. (Also the weather has to cooperate and not be too warm. Keep your fingers crossed for me!)

I jumped right back into training. I am mostly following the Hanson's plan, but I added in a weekly fast run with my mentor, Jen and I believe that has been the key to my increase in speed. They are tough workouts, but they are worth it! I am grateful Jen is willing to push me to see me succeed. The other difference is I am running longer long runs than Hanson's. They top out at 16 milers, but I feel like my body needs and enjoys longer than that. So, I have run a 17 miler, the 30k (18.6) and then I had a 61 mile week which included a 21 miler and a 54 mile week. Last week we were at the beach and I was a little sick so I took a day off. It put me a little behind but I ended up with a good week except the mileage was low at 30 miles. I did my 20 miler on Monday and it was 20.7 miles. So, I still feel a day behind. :-)

Yesterday's speedwork was on the treadmill and it was even faster than usual. We started with a mile warmup and then did 7:53, 7:47, 7:35, 7:35. 7:08, 7:00 (.65 miles), cooldown of .35 miles. I did the whole workout in 56 minutes for exactly and 8 minute pace. I know that this will help.

I am trying to do a lot of mental work. I know that it is not going to be easy. I really, really, really want to qualify for Boston. I know it is possible but I also know it will take everything I have!!! 30 days. Crazy!!!

It is my time!! I know it!! And I know that Cherl can do it as well. Would be awesome to do it together!