Monday, April 21, 2014

Dreams of Boston

I didn't write up my marathon report from Yakima- oops! You can tell I was not happy with it. Short story is my legs felt great, but my cardio was shot after 2 weeks of no running. I am proud of myself for running it and I did my best, but I am ready for a redo! :-) I ran a 4:28.

I followed the Boston Marathon today and I know it is my turn! I have 3 weeks to recover and then I am back to marathon training. This is my time. I will have a great base. I had a fantastic 30k and I know I was getting in good shape. I am going to follow the Hanson's plan again, but use their advanced program. I am ready for this! I am done nursing, so it is all up to me now.

The deal is that I need to be in balance with the other areas in my life. So, that will be my focus! I can do this! I was inspired watching my friends train and finish! I want to be there next year!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Plans and Goals for Yakima Marathon

Well, the good news is there is not a bone injury! So, the Dr. gave me the green light to run. The bad news is, there is tendon inflammation. This means there will be pain involved in my running and this is not an injury that will just go away.

Well, having no experience with injuries, I went out for a run yesterday thinking all would be well. :-) I was so excited to get a chance to run. I went for a slow 5 miles and I felt the injury the entire run. It was a dull ache, not a sharp pain, but discouraging nonetheless. I am not running again until Saturday. :-) I was talking with my husband last night and he said if it were him he wouldn't run the marathon. However, we ended up having a long conversation and here are the reasons I want to run:

1. New course, new area
2. Want to know if it's a good race for me to choose next year
3. I want to at least try the marathon.
4. Dr. gave me the green light and feels I won't do permanent damage.
5. I want to hear Katherine Switzer speak
6. I want to experience the marathon.

Reasons to not run:
1. There will be pain involved.
2. Not getting the time I trained for.

This is from an email I sent to Malcolm. I will run a smart race and listen to my body. If there is too much pain, I will be brave and pull out of the race. I want to enjoy the beauty and give it a shot. I haven't decided if I will do the ibuprofen or not. 

I can't wait to try it!! 

My new goals:

1. Enjoy the scenery
2. Listen to my body.
3 . Have fun.
4. Follow my heart rate.
5. Meet new people. 
6. Pull out if the pain is too intense.
7. PR if feeling good. :-)
8. BQ if the stars align. :-)
9. Trust my training. I have put in the work. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Will I get to run?

I have a lot to catch up on, but I wanted to write down some thoughts. I have had an awesome training cycle. I feel faster and stronger than I have in a long time. I had a rough pace run the week after the race and it knocked my confidence down for a little while. I came back even stronger and had 2 amazing pace runs. The second one happened on my birthday! Jeff was running the first half with me and I finished the last 6 miles by myself. We were in Arizona and I felt like a million bucks.

Unfortunately, when I came home from that run I felt pain just above my ankle. Normally, I would take time off, but I was afraid I was having "phantom" pains during taper week. The next day I ran 8 miles on it and it turned from dull ache to stabbing pain and I had a hard time walking the rest of the weekend. I have not run since March 21st.

As soon as I got back from Arizona, I went to the dr. I had an MRI yesterday. I will be getting the results today. We fasted with my family that it would be healed if that is what is best for me at this time. I know I have the faith, along with my family to make this happen. I have worked really hard and would love a shot at this race on Saturday.

However, if it is not to be, then I will enjoy family time at the beach and find a new goal. I am wearing my running clothes to the dr so I can go for a run if I am given the green light. I will be smart about this. I will be prayerful going in that I will know the right answer if he leaves the choice up to me. I will weigh the pros and cons.

I am really grateful for my 30k race. I know I have worked hard and in good shape. I can get there again if I can't run Saturday. I have not been eating too great this week, so I will need to figure that out if I get to race. I need my nerves to calm. I am going to clean for the last 30 minutes. Woo hoo!!