Saturday, April 10, 2010

10k Goals

This is my first race since June of last year. 10 months! I have no idea what my goals should be. I have done 3 days of speedwork and that's it. So, I am trying not to be too optimistic, but I want to have a good race.

My PR is 47:30. I would LOVE to get less than 50, but realistically, it should be around 52. Also, I have no clue how my stomach is going to do. So, this race is to see where my body is. Let's see what happens! I just got a new Shuffle and I haven't run with music in a long time. So, here goes!

Heart rate goals- Stay under 189 as long as I can, then the last 2 miles start gradually getting closer to 200.

I will report back!
