Well, I guess I never wrote a race report so that means I didn't BQ. :-)
However, I had a great experience and I learned a lot about myself. I will try to recap as best as I can. First off, I went down to the race with 2 great friends, Marnie and Dawn. They were running the half marathon (Dawn's first- yeah!) and were going to cheer me in to my finish. We stayed at a hotel in Eugene that had a shuttle to the start line. It was wonderful. They also gave us a late checkout, which was great. When we got to the packet pickup, we discovered that I was Bib #1! That was pretty fun and made me think it was a good sign the stars were going to align that day. Cherl, my good virtual running partner was bib #2. Too funny! I remember when we signed up we were worried we weren't going to sign up in time, so apparently we were the first ones! We went out to eat at Olive Garden, my fave. We went to bed somewhat early and got up for the race.

The weather was perfect- a little cool, which makes me happy! I was ready to go! Took some pics with Cherl and the girls and it was time to start. I had changed my plan the day before the race to start a little faster than 8:20's so when my first mile said 8:15 I was good with that. It hung right around there and I was feeling great. One of my early miles was 8:07 but I still thought it was okay. About mile 6 or 7 I heard one of Cherl's friends tell her she was averaging 8:05's but I didn't think we were going that fast- at least not according to my watch. So, I just kept my pace. Around mile 11 I was starting to feel tired so decided to slow back into the 8:20's. By mile 16, I was feeling way more tired than I should. Cherl had passed me and looked strong. I tried to follow her lead but just could not do it. I knew I would be seeing Jen at mile 20 so I tried to keep the pace in the 8:30's if I could. It was starting to get ugly. I decided to walk through water station around mile 17 to see if I could get a second wind and start all over but it made it worse. When I saw Jen at mile 19, I was so happy. I asked her to help me slowly get my pace back. We did an 8:40 one mile but just could not keep it there. I had to walk a few times but I tried to hang in. By this point I knew I wouldn't BQ but I was really hoping to PR. The mile marker at 24 was misplaced so it was a really long mile but then mile 25 was super short. By now I was just doing the best I could. Jen was awesome and was talking me through it. I know I would have walked a lot more if she wasn't there. Right before the end I got a horrible cramp in my calf and my leg collapsed on me. So weird. I ended up being able to finish and it went away. I crossed the line in 3:51: something. Not a PR but my second fastest time in 10 years and my fastest time since 2008! I was not as devastated as I thought I would be because I felt I finished strong and didn't fall apart. Marnie and Dawn were there to hug me and support me and the first thing I asked was if Cherl qualified. When they said she did, I was so happy for her and I instantly thought I had to try again!! :-)
Here are my thoughts:
1. Started too fast.
2. Need to figure out nutrition.
3. No injury, let's keep going!
.2 9:27
Looking at my splits, they really aren't that bad and I was able to come to terms with it. The course was beautiful, weather was great, just wasn't my race.
My friend Jen told me she wanted to change some things in my training. She said she knew what I needed to get to Boston. I chose to sign up for Sauvie Island Marathon July 4th. It was my PR half marathon from 2006-2010(a 1:49) and is super super flat. It was 9 weeks away and I took the first week off. I went to the chiropractor and he said everything was good to go! So, Jen has been giving me a schedule every week. It has been tough, but less miles. She added in weights and spin. It has been challenging but I have worked really hard. She had me do my long runs at pace every single Saturday. 17.5, 16, 18, 18, 19, 17.5, 11.5, All of these runs have been by myself and they have not always been pretty. It seems that nutrition is my nemesis. When I run a faster pace, I burn through my carbs super fast and get light headed. I am glad that I figured this out. The good news is, I feel stronger and fitter than ever and I think I know what to do about nutrition. The bad news is, it will be a hot day. I don't want to let this get me down. I am confident I am strong enough to run the pace, even in the heat.
So, here is my plan:
1. Start in the 8:20's for real! No 8:05's until the end. :-) My last few long runs have had my last miles as sub 8. I would love to finish like this!
2. Start taking in nutrition early and often.
3. Fluids early and often.
4. Stay mentally strong.
5. Be happy with whatever my body gives me.
I originally thought it was the half marathon loop twice, but there is an out and back portion. I made Jeff drive it with me and it is beautiful. It is a little rolly, but nothing like the hills in my own neighborhood, so I think I will like it. I might have some friends joining in for parts of it, which would be awesome.
Either way, I am proud of the training I have done. Not just in the last 8 weeks, but in the last year and a half. Whatever happens, I am pretty sure I will not be training for a marathon for a little bit. I want to give my body a break. I have really been loving spin and I want to get into biking more. I am excited to see what happens Saturday. I really do feel I am capable of a 3:38 marathon. I want to prove this!