Saturday, December 28, 2013

Race Report and BQ Thoughts

I had a fantastic race last week! I am really proud of myself for hanging in there even when it was tough. I will admit that I was hoping the pace would feel easier. I still have a ways to go. The short story is that I made my #2 goal. :-) I ran a 1:52:41. That is an 8:37 pace overall. I started a little faster than I planned, running an 8:34, but I had tried really really hard to slow down and just couldn't go any slower. So, I just went with it. :-) My heart rate got into the 190's a little earlier than I would have liked but I just gutted it out. I didn't have any mile slower than a 9, and my last kick was at 7:55 pace. I was 4th in my age group out of 15. I only had to run a little slower for a couple of miles because of the wind.  Overall, I am very pleased.

So, how does this make me feel going into marathon training? Not quite as confident as I would like. BUT, I know I have time still. I am considering another marathon- the Wenatchee Marathon. I am going to stick with Yakima after studying the 2 different marathons. I just want a strong marathon. :-)

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