Friday, May 6, 2016

Training update and 10K goals

Okay, so training is going pretty well. Since April 12th, I have had 2 20 mile runs and a couple of tempo runs, and a bunch of miles! I have felt some injuries so tried to be really careful. The first 20 miler I ended up averaging 8:22 and it was the best I have ever felt at 20 miles. I felt like I could have qualified that day. It was the fastest I have ever run 20 miles, finishing it in 2:46. The second 20 miler I ran slower because I had been having some achilles pain and was nervous. So, I averaged 8:55 and did really well, but started getting tired at mile 17.5. Crazy how different 2 runs can be. This week I had a speedwork on the treadmill because we had a crazy day when my 3 year old had a seizure on Monday night. It definitely rocked my world. We stayed in the hospital overnight and obviously a run was not in the books. That afternoon we got home and he was doing much better so I decided I needed to get out and did 6.5 miles on the treadmill. Pretty fast. :-) I did 1.5 miles x2 and on the 3rd one I went a full 2 miles. So, I was missing one mile, but ended at 6:53 pace for the last mile so that was good. I did the whole workout in 53 minutes, which I think is pretty good with a half mile warmup in there! I also ran yesterday and itwas supposed to be 8:15 pace for 5 miles and we did all sub-8 and I felt great and could talk- yeah! So, tomorrow, I am planning on a 6.5 mile warmup to the race and then a 10K. I would love to PR and think I am capable of it, depending on how trashed my legs are.

My 10K PR is from 2008 and it was a 47:59 which is a 7:43 pace. I just ran the half at a 7:48 pace, so I know I can do better than this!

Here are my goals:
1. PR- anything that beats 47:59 :-)
2. Sub 47
3. Sub 46- My Half time of 1:42 says that I should be able to run a 45:50 which is a 7:27 pace, but I just ran that 5K at a 7:27 pace and it was tough. However, I ran a 16 miler 2 days before that, so I am sure my legs were burned out. I am hoping my legs are pretty fresh for this one. We will see! I need a confidence builder that shows my speed.

Other factors- 5k and 10K start at the same time and 450 people on a skinny trail. So, we will see how it all goes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Newport Marathon Training Update

Well, it has been 1 month since the 5k, so I thought I should tell how it went. Obviously, I didn't get my goal, or I would have written a report right away. :-) So, I thought I had a perfect plan. It was cool weather, but a little muddy with some wind and rain. Sarah and I drove out together and met up with Travis. We decided to run the course as a warmup, but we didn't quite have enough time. So we cut back to start the race. We started toward the front since it is on a golf course. I started at about a 7:25 pace which was right on plan. I was feeling pretty good and then I got really warm and had to take off my long sleeve. This was trickier than I thought at that speed and I had to slow down a little. I finished the second mile 7:18. I wanted to pick it up in the 3rd mile and I could see a girl just ahead of me but I could not will my legs to move any faster. I even started laughing at one point because I could not do anything else. My last mile was 7:20 and my last .1 was 7:49 pace. I really did give it everything, didn't start out too fast, just didn't have it in my legs. My 16 miler 2 days earlier might have had something to do with it. :-) The night before the race I was reading a blog by Julie Mullins who is an Uberthons promoter and she is trying to qualify for Boston as well. We had a very similar history and I felt a kinship to her. She was at the race, so I was a nerd and introduced myself. She had been announcing the race and just seemed really friendly and easy to approach. So, I will continue to follow her.

As for my marathon training, it is going well. I have been working hard and had some great runs! I have been running 45-55 miles per week since Phoenix. I have run 2 16 milers, 2 18 milers, and 2 14 milers. I have done tempo runs and track work and I am really pushing my paces. I have been surprising myself on my progression long runs. One of my favorite ended on the track with a "jogathon practice" for Uberthons and I was able to do 10 laps in 19 minutes and I was just chatting with my friend Krystin while doing so. I am loving negative splits and ending fast! I feel like I am getting stronger!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Running a 5K today

Alright, I don't love 5K's, but I am trying to see how high I can get my heart rate. :-) Also, I feel like I am in good shape.

Here are my goals.

1. 22:15- 7:10 pace
2. sub 22:38 (my PR)
3. Finish strong :-)

My race plan is:

1st mile-  7:15-7:20
2nd mile- 7:10
3rd mile- sub 7 or as close to 7 as possible

It was also rainy and windy so we will see! Wish me luck!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Going for Boston 2017

Alright, well I decided not to give up on that sub-3:40. I know I have it in me and I want to try again! I decided to sign up for the Newport Marathon on June 4th. It is 13 weeks away. I feel like that is enough time to even get faster! I am still debating exactly what schedule to follow, but I believe I will do track work and tempo work Tuesdays and Thursdays. My long run pacing will practice negative splits. I am excited to do this!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Phoenix Marathon- About time for a PR!

I want to write this while it is still fresh in my mind. I gave the spoiler in the title, but that's because I am so excited!! When I signed up for this marathon in January, I promised myself it was so I could practice the nutrition and starting slower. I knew I would have to run "fast" but I wasn't necessarily trying to BQ. It wasn't until I ran my half marathon that I even started to think about getting a BQ. I still needed to keep my original goal in mind. I wanted my PR!! Last year my biggest disappointment was working so hard and not even having a PR to show for it.

So, here goes.

Thursday night, I slept a full 7 1/2 hours. It was fabulous. I had been carb loading all day and we had arrived in Phoenix at 8pm.

On Friday, we met Annie's family for breakfast and then went to the Expo and met new friends from Instagram. :-) I will write more later.  We went to the temple together which was really wonderful and then ate dinner at the house.

I woke up at 3:15 and ate my larabar and banana as planned at 3:30. I mixed up 2 packages of superstarch and took them to the race. We left at 4am and loaded the bus at 4:30am. We got in line at the Porta Pottys and I drank my superstarch 45 minutes before the race started. The porta potty line took forever and the race actually started while I was in there. I finally started the race completely alone. :-) This was actually okay. I loved starting at the back of the pack. It was very symbolic for me. The first pacer I passed was the 5:10 pacer. My first marathon was a 5:11 so I felt like this was nostalgic. I was running about an 8:18 pace. It was a steep descent and that was the slowest I could go without changing my gait. I ran the next mile at 8:20 for the same reason. Once it wasn't so steep I could get to my planned pace easier.

Mile 3- 8:32, very happy to see the 8:30. :-) My heart rate was doing great
Mile 4-8:28- still on plan and getting ready for the hill
Mile 5-8:38- slowing down a little as we start to climb
Mile 6-8:44- really wanted to keep my heart rate down until I got to the top
Mile 7- 8:11- so excited to be done with the hill that I was enjoying the downhill. :-)  Took a hammer gel
Mile 8-8:29- Back on track.
Mile 9-8:23- My next 20k I was wanting to run 8:20
Mile 10-8:18
Mile 11-8:19
Mile 12-8:22- A little bit of uphill in here.
Mile 13-8:15- 1st half- 1:50- Exactly where I wanted to be- woo hoo!
Mile 14-8:18- Trying to stick with the 8:20 plan but feeling good
Mile 15-8:18
Mile 16-8:21 At mile 16 I wanted to feel better than I ever have at that point and I did.
Mile 17-8:21
Mile 18-8:28 This is the end of the second 20k, but I didn't quite feel ready to step on the gas.
Mile 19-8:19
Mile 20-8:29- Here is where I checked my total time and I was at 2:47, I knew to qualify I needed a 53 minute 10k and I was trying to do the math, but I thought that was about an 8:20 or 8:30, I thought it was still possible.
Mile 21-8:25- I was starting to feel really hot. I took a honey stinger gel and was out of water.
Mile 22- 9:14- I was slowing down to get water and fill my bottles
Mile 23- 11:32- Gave in and used a porto potty(I had been needing to use it since Mile 3)
Mile 24-9:52- Trying to get back in the running, but my quads were feeling trashed
Mile 25-8:38- Tried to figure out if I could still PR, pushing as hard as I could
Mile 26- 8:08- The fluid is kicking in and I am feeling a second wind, time to give it all I had!
Mile .2- 7:38- Finishing as hard as I can! Final time 3:45:15- A 3 1/2 minute PR! Yeah!! I get to ring the PR bell.

Nutrition was great. I took Gatorade at every aid station. I took a couple of hammer gels throughout the race and some sports beans. I didn't feel like I ever bonked. I think the fat load helped me lose a few pounds before the carb load. I just think the heat affected me for that mile 21 and I needed fluid. I am glad I was able to recover and get a PR, but of course I still want that BQ.  I will be in the next age category in September. :-) So, now I know I can get a 3:45 with a walk/potty break!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Marathon Training Update and Marathon Goals

Well, after the half marathon I still had to come back strong! It wasn't quite the taper yet. I had 2 more fast Tuesday runs and 2 more pace runs. It was kind of a taper, but not really. :-) The Hanson's Method seems to have more of a 7-10 day taper.

Well, it is the night before the marathon and I should be in bed, so I am doing this quickly.  My last speed workouts went really well and for one of my tempo runs, I decided to do a 16 mile pace run. My half marathon was the day I was supposed to do my last long run, so I decided to do this instead. It was going to be my practice run. I got up 3 hours before to eat a banana and a larabar. I went back to bed and then got up to drink Superstarch- 2 packets. I ran with Heather Smith and told her that I wanted to practice pacing. These are what our splits looked like:


I was very pleased with how this run went. My heart rate was getting up but not too crazy. I really felt like I could have run more and faster. I am planning on starting this marathon slower. We are in Phoenix right now. We ran part of the course at 6:30 this morning. It was cool to start (55) but it got warm. I am a little nervous about the heat, but I am hoping to finish before it is too bad. My main goal with this race is to run smart. I have to prove to myself that I can start slow.

First 10k- 8:30
Next 20K- 8:20
Next 10k-8:10
Last 2k- Sub 8 if possible!

1. Get a BQ- sub 3:40 (Ideally a 3:38)
2. Get a PR- sub 3:48
3. Finish strong and happy no matter what

I would like to do the first half in 1:49-1:50 and still be feeling good. I want to feel good until at least mile 16, if not mile 20. Then it is time to bring it home! I can do this!!! I have had a fantastic training cycle. My speed is there. I just am hoping the nutrition is there.

I will report back. Time for bed!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Roaring River Run Half Marathon 2016

My morning started a little crazy as I woke up to hearing my cell phone ring downstairs and realized I had missed my alarm!! Good thing I had laid out my clothes the night before. And, good thing my friends were nice enough to wait even though it would make them late.  We had an hour and 15 minute drive and I was able to relax my nerves and just chat with my friends.

Nutrition notes: At 6:30am when I woke up, I ate a banana and a Cashew Cookie larabar and then filled up a water bottle with Nuun. I also prepared a Generation UCAN bottle with one scoop. I brought sports beans and gatorade chews with me. I don't worry too much about nutrition in a half. I wish this was the case in the Full.

I run with very fast people! Rich and Annie were both going for sub 1:30 which is a 6:50 pace. Wow!! Heather was aiming for a sub 1:40 but could probably even run faster. Shauna said she was going to stay with me as long as she could. She would normally start faster than me, but she had some injuries this training cycle so was not going to run as fast as she usually would. We took some pictures and then the gun went off. My plan was to start in the high 7:50's and then get faster after about Mile 9. Well, this course has a little bit of uphill to start but then gets into the mild downhill fairly quickly. Shauna and I had a hard time slowing ourselves down. The first mile was around 7:45, but then the second mile we were getting in the 7:30's. My watch decided to wig out and turn itself off for a little bit and when it came back on, it had lost some mileage because of the out and back. Say what? So, I just relied on Shauna and decided to leave my watch on the screen that just showed the immediate mile. I never again switched screen to look at my overall time or pace because I knew it would be wrong and bug me. :-) Here are the paces with some explanations.

Mile 1- 7:51
Mile .59-4:26(7:36 pace)
Mile 2-7:44
Mile 3-7:41
Mile 4-7:49
Mile 5- 7:44
Mile 6-7:52 Shauna and I were trying to slow it down so we didn't fly and die.
Mile 7- 7:38 (This is where it went single file and she told me to go ahead, I tried to turn on music but it didn't work. )
Mile 8- 7:48, This was the part in last year's race that I started feeling really tired legs. I was very happily surprised that I was feeling pretty good running in the 7:40's.
Mile 9-7:44
Mile 10-7:43- At this point I knew I was going to PR as long as I didn't fall apart. I was so happy when I saw the 10 mile marker. I cheered and ran with a guy for a second and I said "Only a 5k to go. I am so excited to be in double digits! He said, "You seem really happy. I want to stay with you but I don't think I can."
Mile 11- 7:38 I was surprised by this second wind, but I knew that I had done these 2 mile workouts and was trying to get the 7:35 pace. This gave me confidence.
Mile 12- 7:55 (This is the last uphill mile, Rich had come by me after finishing and told me I was going to PR. :-) I also heard him tell the person behind me to catch me. I wanted to speed up but all I could do was hold on. I just didn't want to see an 8 in my miles.
Mile 13- Here is where we hit downhill and I could speed up into the park. 1:28 for .2 miles- that is a 7:00 pace! I still didn't know my overall time but I knew it was going to be a big PR. I saw the clock at 1:42 something and I was so excited. I finally looked down at my watch but I wasn't quite to 13.1 so I had to keep running around. I felt really dumb but I really wanted to have the time on my watch.
Last little bit- .3 miles in 2:20, that is a 7:57 pace. Not bad for just running in circles. My watch stopped at 1:41:45. I knew it was probably wrong but was hoping maybe I did get sub 1:42. I finally got my official time and it was 1:42:13. That is a 7:48 pace. It was not a negative split but pretty evenly paced. I am very, very, very happy with this race!!! Shauna ended up coming in a little over a minute behind me. Heather finished in 1:40. She had a sideache at mile 5 and would have even ran faster! She is a amazing. Rich ran a 1:27 and Annie ran a 1:30. Awesome runners who push me to work hard! I feel so blessed.

I am most shocked at how well my heart rate did. It stayed in the 180's until mile 12. That is unheard of for me. I felt great! Maybe my marathon will go better than planned. I am getting excited. I still have to start off slow though. :-)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Feeling Strong

Okay, so I haven't been as good about updates as I would like, but I feel the need to give one now! Today's run gave me so much confidence! It was a 3x2mile repeat. We have been doing these "strength" workouts for a few weeks ago. They are always a total of 6 fast miles. The goal pace is 10 seconds faster than half marathon pace (we were training for a half marathon first!) so that is around 7:35. That has been hard for me to do. Last week and this week, I think I broke through!

Today's paces: 7:21, 7:27, 7:20, 7:28, 7:12, 7:26. I was so happy with this! I really need to run a 5K and 10K to see how fast I am. :-) The best part is that my heart rate didn't even get as high as it has been getting. Yeah for getting faster at a lower heart rate!

I feel like my eating is going well. I am at a healthy weight and I am trying to get more sleep. Hopefully my half marathon this Saturday will show my improvements.

Goal is to not see a mile with an 8 in it. I want to start at 7:59 and end in the 7:30's. My PR is this same course last year and it was a 1:47:20. So, here are my 3 levels of goals.

1. sub 1:45
2. sub 1:47:20
3. Finish strong and smiling. :-)

I am ready for this! I am excited to see what I can do!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Marathon Training- say what?!

Well, clearly I didn't keep my plan to write every week. :-) I kind of went into a depression after my pre-diabetes diagnosis and I quit following the elimination diet as well as I had been. So, I have gained back a couple of pounds but still doing well overall. I was following the Hanson's Marathon plan with the 30K as my goal race on March 5th. Then I decided to be crazy and run the Phoenix Marathon with Annie! It is February 27th which is in 7 1/2 weeks. Jeff had bought me a Garmin 620 watch for Christmas and it reinvigorated my running! I had a 15 miler that went awesome so I decided that I will do this. My plan will be to use it as a "practice" marathon so I can try to figure out the nutrition.  That sounds crazy, but I really think it is the only way for me to learn what works. I can do just fine up to 18-20 miles but I can't quite figure out the last 6. My hope is to PR, but no matter what I want to learn something! :-)

My training has been going well. I have been doing the speedwork much faster than before because I was training for a half. We will see how the half goes first and then I will make goals.