Running has not come back to me yet the way I would like it, so I am changing things up! I decided my focus is getting in as good of shape as I can and trying something different. A lot of my friends rave about Crossfit, so I decided to give it a shot. Jeff and I signed up for a free week to try it out. If we like it then we will buy a month membership and go from there. We went 3 days in a row and then took today off because we were sore. :-) I would definitely like to get stronger! My ideal would be to do Crossfit 3 days a week and run 3 days a week, but I am not sure financially if that will work.
One of my good friends was at our Crossfit class the 2nd day. She texted me to tell me congrats. :-) She happened to mention that she had started the Whole 30 challenge. This is a 30 day challenge to cut out grains, dairy, legumes and sugar for 30 days. There is no "free" day. This is supposed to reset your body and help you figure out the best way for you to eat. It is based on a book called, "It starts with food." I have been fascinated by nutrition since I was first introduced to Michael Pollan and Food Inc. I definitely agree that the best way to eat healthy is to eat as fresh as possible. I wasn't so sure about Paleo (which this is based on) because I didn't think it allowed for enough carbs to fuel my running. Since I am not running tons right now, it is the perfect time to try it out. I know how good I feel when I cut out sugar so I knew the others would just make it even better. I am on Day 3 and I love it! I devoured the book in a day and it all made sense to me. I am testing out the experiment and go from there. The food I get to eat is so yummy, in fact I get to have an avocado every day if I want! That is my favorite.
I will keep you posted! Technically my marathon training would start on Monday, but I am not sure if I am going to train for a marathon- yet. We will see how this goes!
Annie (2014)
9 years ago