1. My Heavenly Father- grateful for my body and the things I am able to accomplish with it.
2. My husband and his constant support.
3. My 3 kids for inspiring me to be a better mom.
4. Crystal is 4 years older and 4 years wiser than me.
5. My mom- how many kids she has and is an awesome mom to.
6. Joseph Smith- ONe of my most favorite heroes. He endured a lot more pain than I am going to. :-)
7. This is lucky number 7. I dedicate this one to the last 7 years of running, mile 7 of my first marathon and this being my 7th marathon. I am going to think about some of my favorite races.
8. Kirsten- Great loyal running partner. Helped diagnose my ulcer.
9. Molly- For confiding in us and cheering us on.
10.Kristyn- She ran her first half with me on May 10th and reminded me why I love running and what got me hooked.
11. Leslie- Great neighbor and friend. I want to make her proud too.
12. Malcolm- My coach from last year and all his wonderful advice. Not letting me give up on Boston.
13. Sarah- my beloved running partner. This is her birthday. She has been there for me so much!!
14. Heather- my sister. She taught me so much when I was 14. Oh, how I wish I had listened. She is a great mom and goes through so much.
15. Cross country coaches. For teaching me things I still remember. :-)
16. Erik- He gets number 16 because in my mind he is still 16. He is a thoughtful, intelligent young man. I hope I can learn more from him.
17.Marnie- ONe of my longest running partners. Very dedicated to my first marathon.
18. Ashley- I credit her with my first marathon and she is why I am even doing number 7!!
19. Diane Marker. What a fabulous mother in law. She has always taken me in. She sets the example for me.
20. Me. This is my special number. Here is where I will push the last 6 miles. I need the mental strength here.
21. Shelly. This is her lucky number and she has always been a great example to me.
22. Marathon Mommies- double numbers- these women inspire me to be better! I want to make all of them proud- Jill, Chelle, Erin, Amy P., Ang, Team Hanni, Polliwog, Cherl and this is only to name a few.
23. Kristie Smith. We had so much in common. I want to be able to tell her I made it through this mile.
24. Heather Smith. She had her baby on this day. She spent a lot of runs listening to me and being there for me.
25. The Savior- This is Christmas- He makes up for my weaknesses and gives me strength. He is my brother.
26. My dad. He was my greatest cheerleader and I know he is here cheering me on. Whether or not I am finishing a BQ or a tough run, he wants to see me run up this hill.
.2- Weeeeeee. Just have fun going down the hill.
Annie (2014)
9 years ago